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Nahum Shamir

March 30, 1917 - April 12, 1995

Nahum Shamir Bio

Nahum Shamir (Wachsman) was born on March 30, 1917, in Kraków, Poland, and died on April 12, 1995, in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Shamir served in crucial government, diplomatic, and social positions during the establishment of the State of Israel. He was also the protégée, advisor, and close friend of Israel’s 3rd Prime Minister Levi Eshkol. 

1947-1948: Nahum served as a team leader/commander in the Hagana Defense Forces’ Golani 13 Battalion. 

1948-1951: He was the last commander of the ‘Mossad LeAliyah Beit’  (המוסד לעלייה ב׳) in Italy; which facilitated the escape of hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust and Europe after World War 2. 

1951-1952: Shamir was the treasurer (גזבר) of the immigration department of the Jewish Agency in Europe (Paris, France). 

1952 -1955: Shamir served as the head of Israel’s Defense Delegation to the United States and Canada. 

From 1955-1963: He was the CEO of the Hevrat Hashilomim (חברת השילומים); which facilitated the Holocaust compensation funds under the Luxemburg agreement (Wiedergutmachung). The Company significantly elevated the State of Israel’s infrastructure and economics. 

During this time, Shamir also held other positions, including: 

1959: Shamir was the CEO of The Israeli National Oil Company.

1957-1961: Shamir served as the Friends of the Cameri Theater’s foundation treasurer. 

1962: He was the CEO of the SNEE Insurance Company.

1964-1968: Shamir served as Israel’s Economic Minister to the United States and Canada. 

1968-1970: Shamir was the first CEO of the Hahevra Le’Israel  (החברה לישראל). 

1970-1976: Shamir was the CEO of Beit Berl and founded the Beit Berl Academic College.  

1968 - 1970: He was the Chairman of the Board for “The Orna Porat Theater for Kids” and was one of the co-founders for the theater. 

1977 - 1979:  Shamir served as the Israeli General Consul in Chicago, USA.

1979-1980: Shamir served as the chairman of the board for the Eretz Israel Museum (מוזיאון ארץ ישראל) in Tel Aviv/Yaffo, Israel.

Nahum was also an exceptional wood sculptor, painter, and devoted family man.

 Nahum Shamir - Detailed Achievements

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Early Life
Nahum Shamir (Wachsman) was born (March 30, 1917) in Kraków, Poland, to Avraham Wachsman and Frida Wachsman (Formally Zydan).
Nahum was the 2nd child of four children (Eliezer, Motke, and Levia).
He studied at the Hebrew Gymnasium in Kraków (הגימנסיה העברית בקרקוב) and was active in the Akiba Youth Organization (תנועת עקיבא).

In 1934, the Wachsman family migrated to Tel Aviv (Palestine under the British empires’ Mandate). Shamir worked in construction, agriculture, and car mechanics to support his family. He was also a regiment/division leader in the Israeli Akiba Youth organization, where he met Malka Shamir (Formally Fass) who became his wife.

Painting by Uri Shamir

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קיבוץ נווה איתן - Kibbutz Neve Eitan

In 1944, Nahum and Malka joined their Akiba Youth organization colleagues and friends to build and live in Kibbutz Neve Eitan in the Beit She’an Valley in Israel

Kibbutz Neve Eitan was built under harsh conditions of extreme heat, low resources/supplies, and constant attacks by the Arab gangs in the area

Letter from Pinchas Sapir (Israel's Minister of Finance) requesting Kibbutz Neve Eitan to release Shamir, so Shamir could head Hevrat Hashilomim

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Hagana Defense Forces’ Golani 13 Battalion (1947-1948)

Shamir joined the Hagana Defense Forces’ Golani 13 Battalion under the command of Avraham Yoffe (אברהם יפה). Shamir served as a team commander in the Battalion and took part in the Battles of Zfat (צפת) Battles of Nazareth (נצרת).

The Hagana Forces and Warrior badge recognition

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The Mossad LeAliyah Beit organization, Italy -1948-1951

In 1948 Shamir served as the last commander of The Mossad LeAliyah Beit organization in Italy (המוסד לעלייה ב׳).

The organization was responsible for evacuating hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees and survivors of the Holocaust after World War 2.Under this capacity, Nahum was responsible for the safe passage of Jewish refugees heading to Israel. During his tenure, Jewish immigration from Egypt and Lybia began going through Italy.

Letter from Arie Oron (Israel’s Consul to Italy) confirming Nahum Shamir (Wachsman) served as the head the Mossad To Aliya Beit in Italy.

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The Jewish Agency (1951-1952)

In 1951, after completing and wrapping The Mossad LeAliyah Beit Italy operations; Shamir was sent to Paris, France and served as the treasurer (גזבר) of the immigration department of the Jewish Agency. During this time, the Jewish Agency continued to facilitate the immigration of hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe, Asia, and Africa to Israel.

Letter from Levi Eskol appointing Nahum Shamir to serve as the treasurer of the immigration department of the Jewish Agency.

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Head of Israel’s Defense Delegation to the United States and Canada (1952-1955)
From 1952-1955 Shamir was the head of Israel’s Defense Delegation to the United States and Canada.

Nahum Shamir with Chaim Herzog (Israel’s Sixth President)

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Hevrat Hashilomim (1955-1963)
From 1955 until 1963, Nahum served as the CEO of Hevrat Hashilomim (חברת השילומים). 

The company was responsible for facilitating Holocaust compensation funds under the Luxemburg agreement (Wiedergutmachung). The company significantly elevated the State of Israel’s infrastructure and its economics. Some of the company’s achievements were: the building of power–stations, construction of railroads, roads, and terminals throughout Israel; the acquisition of medical supplies, the purchases of steel, coal, and other heavy industrial material; the acquisition of merchant ships; the creation of Israel’s shipyard port (Mispanot Israel מספנות ישראל), and many more. 

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The Israeli National Oil Company (1959)

In 1959 Shamir was appointed as CEO of the Israel Oil Company (חברת הנפט הלאומית).

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The Cameri Theater 1957-1961

Shamir served as the treasurer of the Friends of the Cameri Theater’s Foundation (אגודת ידידי תאטרון הקאמרי). During his tenure, financial funding for the construction of the Camari’s Theater building (in Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv) was secured and built.

Nahum Shamir, Orna Porat and Yigal Alon (Israel's Deputy Prime Minister)

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The Hasne Insurance Company - 1962

In 1962, Nahum became the CEO of the Hasne Insurance Company (מנכ״ל הסנה). Under his leadership, the company’s revenue grew by 40%.

Nahum Shamir With Golda Meir (Israel's Fourth Primer Minister)

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Israel’s Economic Minister to the United States and Canada (1964-1968)

From 1964-1968, Shamir served as Israel’s Economic Minister to the United States and Canada. During this time, Shamir played a key role in deepening the relationship and bond between the United States and the State of Israel.

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Hahevra Le’Israel (1968-1970),)

From 1968-1970 Shamir served as the first CEO of the Hahevra Le’Israel (החברה לישראל).

Nahum Shamir with Levi Eskol (Israel's Third Prime Minister)

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Beit Berl Academic College (1970-1976)
In 1970, Shamir was appointed as the CEO of Beit Berl (בית ברל). Shamir quickly pushed to establish an Academic college that would serve poor and deprived communities and minorities.

Encountering many challenges, Shamir successfully established the academic college, which opened its doors in 1970. Shamir served as the CEO of the Beit Berl institution and Academic College (המכללה האקדמית בית ברל) from 1970-1976.

Today, the Beit Berl Academic College is one of the leading colleges in Israel.

Shamir With UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Aaron Yadlin (Israel’s Minister of Education)

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The Orna Porat Theater for Children’s (1968-1970)

Together with Orna Porat (one of Israel’s biggest theater stars), and Yigal Allon (יגאל אלון),  Shamir helped create The Orna Porat Children’s Theater (תיאטרון אורנה פורת לילדים ולנוער), and served as the theater’s Chairman of the Board.

Shamir with Orna Porat and Gershon Plotkin

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General Consul in Chicago, USA. 1977-1979

In 1977, Shamir was appointed the Israeli General Consul in Chicago, USA.

Meeting with Pinhass Lavon (Israel's Defense Minister)


Israel National Museum - מוזיאון ארץ ישראל

Shamir served as the chairman of the board for the Israeli National Museum (מוזיאון ארץ ישראל).

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Art and Sculptures

Nahum created dozens of breathtaking wood sculptures and paintings.In 1984 he participated in the American Israeli Art Gallery in New York.In 1987 he had a solo show in Beit Emanuel Museum (במוזיאון בית עמנואל) in Ramat Gan, Israel. 

Nahum Shamir

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On December 16, 1941 (The 3rd candle of Hanukkah) Shamir married Malka Shamir (Fass) in Tel Aviv. The two met in the Akiba Youth organization. Malka was an essential partner in his government, diplomatic and social endeavors and achievements.

Nahum and Malka raised 3 children: Micheal (Miki) Shamir, Hedva Shamir (Melamed) and Uri Shamir; and 6 grandchildren: Aldine Shamir, Daniel Shamir, Michal Melamed, Sigal Melamed, Eleena Melamed, and Tal S. Shamir.

Malka Shamir, Wife of Nahum Shamir

Painted by Uri Shamir

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In 2021, the administration building of The Beit Berl Academic College (המכללה האקדמית בית ברל) was named Nahum Shamir. The Building Plaque states: “The Beit Berl Academic College administration building is named after Nahum Shamir, its founder and CEO from 1970-1976.”

The Beit Berl Plaque commemorating Nahum Shamir 

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By Nahum Shamir

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